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Galletas con harina de kamut

Dificultad: Baja
Preparación: 20 minutos


STEP 1 - Preparing the dough by hand

Pour the flour into a bowl and mix it with a pinch of salt, the vanilla sachet and the baking powder. Add the egg yolks and mix the dough with a fork.
Keep mixing the dough, and at the same time add the butter that you previously melted in a water bath, the honey and the milk.

STEP 2 - Preparing the biscuits

Fill the Biscuits machine with a piece of dough and choose one of the 20 shapes available.
Choose the biscuit size you want by turning the adjustment knob under the lever.
Lower the lever a few times until the dough comes out evenly from the holes of the extruder.
Rest Biscuits directly on the clean baking tray, without adding butter or parchment paper.
Push the lever down and lift Biscuits from the tray. The biscuit will be attached to the surface.
Pre-heat the oven to about 180°C ( = 350°F). Insert the tray with the biscuits for about 20 minutes.
When they are baked, remove the biscuits from the baking tray and decorate them as you wish.


  • para levantar el pistón, gire el pomo hasta que el lado dentado se sitúe en la dirección opuesta a la palanca;
  • seque bien todos los componentes de biscuits, para prolongar la vida útil del producto;
  • decore las galletas con mermelada, gotas de chocolate, azúcar glas o fruta confitada;
  • utilice harinas de buena calidad para obtener una galleta crujiente y sabrosa;
  • precaliente el horno a 180°C antes de la cocción.